Introduction to the Juggling coach

Darryl learnt to juggle when he was 19 years old, and within 6 months he was juggling 5 balls.

Dyxlesia and ADHD used to hold back Darryl’s potential, learning to juggle helped him to concentrate and focus for the first time.

This new focus led him to perform all over the world to audiences of up to 20,000 people.

On returning to the UK, he wanted to pass on his knowledge and became the head of juggling on the Btec Course at Circomedia, one of the UK’s premiere circus schools.

At Circomedia he developed a workshop to teach anyone to juggle in 30 minutes. 

He would do this session as part of the entrance audition. So his prospective students would already know how to juggle on day one of the course should they be accepted.

During his 8 years leading the course he wrote and developed a 2 year syllabus to take people from any background to become professional circus performers and learnt that circus was a great tool to help break the ice with new groups of people.

He was head hunted by Apple and worked with them for 6 years, learning in depth the importance of helping teams feel valued in the workplace and how one of the most successful companies in the world operate. He used his juggling workshop to galvanise and energise management teams on the morning of away days, preparing them for a productive day.

Now he uses his workshops for Team Building , by help companies break down communication barriers, understand differences and find value in how you deal with mistakes, all whilst having fun.

To Improve athletes reaction times, with a unique method to streamline the athletes learning of five ball juggling to maximise reaction times.

And most importantly using juggling as a tool to engage communities, to break down societal boundaries and to promote new ways of learning and teaching,

Community Engagement Workshops.

What is it?

In this 30-minute workshop, Darryl breaks down the How-Tos of juggling into digestible, interactive, and playful exercises, promoting teamwork, learning from one another and the willingness to make mistakes.

We all make mistakes, and this workshop teaches us not only how to deal with them in a fun and caring environment, but that mistakes are an important part of any journey to success – if you use them well.

Having discovered the ability to juggle by the end of the session, participants will be able to continue to reap the benefits of juggling by practising on their own, wherever they have three throwable objects in reach!

What are the benefits?

  • Participants learn a new skill that can last a lifetime

  • Improved communication between individuals

  • Improved focus and concentration

  • A social activity that can either bond a group who already know each other, or bring strangers together in a positive setting

  • Accessible physical exercise

  • Easy to set up, with minimal equipment or requirements

Who is it for?

Everybody! Regardless of age or ability, this workshop invites everyone to have a go, and has an array of benefits that can suit different needs depending on the group. From footballers improving their reaction time or workplace team building, to hen dos looking for something a little different or bringing focus to a school classroom; the reach is broad.

Kids aged 5 years and over tend to respond best to learning to juggle. This can also be a great workshop for parents, so that they can then teach their children after Darryl’s gone!

Juggling can also be a brilliant practice for people with neurodiversity and behavioural challenges; juggling is a great way to engage folk who are often deemed too difficult to teach. Darryl has ADHD and found that juggling was transformative in helping him to concentrate and find real focus – as a way to manage his ADHD.

What’s the cost?

Costs are negotiable depending on the nature of the booking, your needs and budget. So give Darryl a call to talk more!

Bookings can be made for a standalone workshop, or as a package including a performance.

Discounts can be discussed for CICs or Charitable groups.

For every 5 corporate workshops that Darryl leads, he offers a free workshop for community groups or charities. Please contact Darryl to apply for a free workshop if you think your group may be eligible.

Team Building Workshops

Is your team in need of a lift?

Are they communicating well?

Would you like them to feel more connected?

Would an injection of creativity boost morale?

Your people are your power and are key to growth.

Juggling workshops are perfect for any team meeting, whether it’s remote, in person or part of a larger event or show.

If you want to get your team talking, and connecting with each other again in a fun and creative way then you’ve come to the right place.

Darryl has devised a technique so he can teach anyone to juggle.

His friendly teaching style brings everyone together and helps build team spirit.

Your team will learn that everyone makes mistakes, it’s how we deal with them that's important.

Through laughter, communication and self belief your team will learn to Juggle, leading them to be able to tackle challenges more effectively in the future.

By the end of the session, your people will feel:

  • United

  • Motivated

  • Encouraged

  • Positive

  • Excited

The Benefits of Juggling for business:

  • Boosts brain development. Research indicates that learning to juggle accelerates the growth of neural connections related to memory, focus, movement, and vision.

  • Juggling doesn’t discriminate by age, size, gender, neuro-diversion or athletic ability.

  • It helps builds hand-eye coordination in ways that improve reaction time, strategic thinking, and concentration.

  • Juggling gets you moving enough to increase your oxygen intake, leading to a more positive environment.

  • You learn from mistakes, noticing how laughter, persistence and communication deliver results create a galvanised team.

  • Juggling can be stimulating as well as calming, releasing endorphins to promote a happy atmosphere within your people.

  • Juggling is ridiculously fun.

Pricing available upon request.